The Noyo Meander
A truly lovely morning out with Liquid Fusion Kayaking
For years, we have been recommending kayaking and canoeing up Big River. We love the river, and the folks that run the rentals at Catch a Canoe are just the right taste of true Mendo flavor. However, we had been hearing rumors for quite a while about how lovely the other rivers in the area are as well, and our curiosity was of course piqued – how would they compare to Big River? Could we get good rentals to go up those rivers too? So when chance put us in touch with Fort Bragg-based Liquid Fusion Kayaking, we jumped at the opportunity to go check out their daily playground, the Noyo River.
Our little tour group loading up
If you aren’t familiar with Liquid Fusion, this owner-operated company has been around since 2005, although founder Jeff had already been instructing on all levels of the kayaking disciplines for the previous 10 years. In 2008, he teamed up with partner Cate, and they began to establish a place for themselves teaching and leading tours on the Mendocino Coast. Their joint passion for sharing the joys of nature, wildlife, and kayaking with everyone they can, is nowhere more apparent than in their Noyo Meander Tour, which we had the opportunity to join them for earlier this week.
These juvenile Common Mergansers were so much fun to watch as they tested out their wings, dived for fish, and took a breather in the sun.
What an absolutely charming couple of hours this gentle nature tour was! We went with Ella, who at 8 years old had never been kayaking before and was still hesitant and uncertain about the whole idea. Jeff exuded the perfect mixture of calm assurance and enthusiasm to help her over the first little hurdle of getting in the kayak and getting out on the water, and after giving some clear and simple instructions on the basics of paddling, he pretty quickly had her chattering away in delight over every aspect of the experience. The water was smooth and calm, with almost none of the wind that you often get when you go out on Big River. The banks were close enough to give a feeling of intimacy with nature even when we were out in the middle of the stream; and when we paddled in under the overhanging redwood branches, we got an up close and personal view of kingfisher burrows and river otter runs. Jeff showed us the way through a couple of easy “obstacles” if we were up for it, encouraging us to choose if we wanted to go through a tunnel of branches here or stay out in the open there. We learned about salmon season, marveled at the high water line from a recent flood far above our heads, crushed fallen eucalyptus leaves in our hands to smell their pungent perfume, silently crept by a pair of doves and a covey of quail on the bank, and observed the “running” of juvenile common mergansers across the water as they tested out their strength before attempting to fly. We shared in the fun of swooping swallows, acorn barnacles on the pilings of an old bridge, and the surprising splash of a leaping fish or two.
Paddling strong in search of adventure!
We ended the tour with an extra jaunt back down the river and almost into Noyo Harbor, searching for harbor seals and savoring the beauty of the morning for just a moment longer. We didn’t get to see any seals, but we did finish off our time with a spirited little race back to the landing beach, followed by Ella bemoaning the fact that it all had to end. As we stretched our legs and ambled back to Liquid Fusion’s private space to drop off our paddles and life jackets, she decisively proclaimed that this had been the best morning ever – high praise coming from someone who didn’t even really want to go kayaking in the first place!
Maybe you’ll get to see a sleepy seal like this one when you go! Photo courtesy of LFK
While tours are somewhat limited at present due to the all the COVID precautions that Jeff and Cate are taking, they are still leading out safe groups once or twice a day several times a week. You should definitely add them to your list for your next visit! If you prefer to go at your own pace, you can also rent kayaks from them for your own trip upriver. Or if you want to take your kayaking game to the next level, ask them about private kayaking lessons. Get in touch with them directly, or have us help you arrange your adventure of choice.
Words & images by Laura Hockett